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Transforming Lives, Together
Understanding the Standard Process Resale Policy

At Standard Process, we celebrate and support our health care professional partners. Standard Process founder Dr. Royal Lee was an engineer, inventor, and nutritional pioneer who believed the optimal health benefits of his supplements could be more fully realized through guidance from health care professionals.

Standard Process’ long history of partnering with practitioners began shortly after the company’s inception in 1929, when its products were made available only through health care professionals.

Together, we are changing lives every day.


Put simply, we believe the relationship between health care professionals and patients is critical in supporting the best health outcomes.

You know the nutritional needs of your patients and understand Standard Process and MediHerb® products, enabling you to provide guidance, recommendations, and support.

Per the practitioner resale policy, Standard Process does not authorize practitioners to sell products on sites like Amazon and eBay.

Please let your Customer Care representative know if you suspect someone is buying large amounts of products from you for resale online. We are aware that individuals, and even patients, have approached health care professionals asking to purchase large amounts of our products that are then resold online. Keep in mind that you are responsible for your account. Please protect it from anyone who may wish to take advantage of you and your account.

We monitor the internet and customer account activity daily and invest in technology and resources to assist us in these efforts. Identifying resale policy violators is challenging, as their identities and websites can be changed quickly.

Our enforcement of the policy does come at a cost to the company. Since 2007, we have closed more than 450 accounts representing more than $25 million in life-to-date sales.

Our legal counsel pursues actions against fraudulent accounts.

Patient Direct is a convenient online ordering system that streamlines the process for you and your patients, shipping directly to them from our distribution sites.

For practitioners, this system has many benefits, including:

  • Simplifying ordering for patients, positively impacting compliance
  • The ability to manage patient accounts and information
  • Automated sales tax and remunerations reports
  • Frees up your time and clears inventory storage space

For patients, Patient Direct makes online ordering easy, delivers orders right to their doorsteps, and helps them stay on track with your recommendations.

Visit the Patient Direct webpage or call 800-558-8740 for more information.

†Patient Direct may not be available in your area.

The Standard Process resale policy is a crucial piece of our philosophy and belief that better health outcomes can be achieved for patients when they consult with their health care practitioners.

Read the resale policy

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.