Standard Process - MediHerb - Herbal Supplements | Standard Process

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The 15 essential products for your dispensary.

Kerry Bone's Essentials

MediHerb® was born out of my desire for efficacious herbal products that continue to be the driving force behind everything the company undertakes. In the same spirit of uncompromising quality, I am proud to present Kerry Bone’s Essentials.

Kerry Bone’s Essentials feature 20 products which are the core of my dispensing. In creating this collection, I believe we are providing a clear indication of how simple effective herbal prescribing can be.

Many of these Kerry Bone’s Essentials are certain to be favorites of yours already. It is my hope that the others may soon become part of your own essential dispensary.


  • Professor Kerry Bone

    Professor Kerry Bone

    Director of Research and Development

  • Professor Kerry Bone

    Professor Kerry Bone is the co-founder of MediHerb, practicing Medical Herbalist, Director of Research and Development at MediHerb, Principal of the Australian College of Phytotherapy and Adjunct Professor at New York Chiropractic College. Kerry is a respected author of over 30 scientific papers on herbal research; he has also written and co-written 6 popular books on herbal medicine, including the award-winning 2nd Edition of Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.