The 2024/2025 Product Price Comparison, which includes Standard Process, MediHerb, and Veterinary Formulas price comparisons, and January 2025 Order Form are available to download. These price adjustments for 2025 take effect Monday, December 30, at 4:30 p.m. Central Time.
For any questions please review the FAQ's below or contact our Customer Care team at 800-848-5061.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why are you increasing your prices?
While Standard Process controls many costs through vertical integration, increases in production costs occasionally make price adjustments inevitable. As always, we aim to keep prices at patient-friendly levels.
2. Why are some products increasing more than others?
We increase our prices as little as necessary. Some products contain ingredients or require production techniques that may necessitate slightly higher increases than other products.
3. Why are there different price changes for different bottle sizes?
Part of our price adjustment process is trying to standardize our bottle size discount and consistently keep it between 5-10%. Previously, the discount has been as high 27%, depending on the product. Due to this, some products are not taking a price increase in one size (mostly the smaller sizing), while the other size is taking a price increase of up to 10%.
Our aim is to keep prices at practice- and patient-friendly levels. If certain sizes didn’t require a price increase, we did not make one. It is our aim to maintain this consistency going forward.
4. How much will the price increase? Will all products increase?
Standard Process products will see an average increase of 4.9%. Standard Process Veterinary Formulas™ will increase, on average, by 4%. MediHerb® products contain ingredients sourced from all over the world, and their increases will vary accordingly. There will be no price increase for POSSIBLE®, Spirited Paw™, or Royal Lee Organics.
5. When will the price increase take effect?
All orders placed after 4:30pm CST on Monday, December 30th will have 2025 pricing.
6. How will this impact my patient if they already have an auto-delivery set up?
New pricing will start on any orders placed after 4:30pm CST on Monday, December 30th.
7. How often do prices change?
We review pricing each year. When necessary, price increases take place on January 1. Pricing increases do not necessarily take place each year.
8. When will the new price list be available?
Price lists are available on our website for download. Printed versions should be available starting December 23.