Feline Enteric Support is a digestive system supplement for cats in need of general digestive system or enteric support, or with increased metabolic demand.
A healthy digestive tract is critical to overall health and well-being. In addition to affecting breakdown and absorption of nutrients, the digestive health of an animal can also have a significant impact on other body systems (immune system, liver, bone marrow, or adrenal glands).
Feline Enteric Support contains a variety of functional foods, both plant and animal, that "feed" the various components of the digestive system to:
How to Administer
The feline patient should receive one tablet two times per day, or as directed.
Feline formulas can be administered in a variety of ways, including:
- Whole tablet or crushed
- Dosed directly or mixed with food
- Cautiously, as a powder suspended in water given by oral syringe
To familiarize the cat with the supplement, it may be helpful to place one tablet beside the food bowl for two or three days prior to mixing the tablet with the food.