Page 109 - 2018 SP Product Guide
P. 109

† (QA) = Quantified Activity Extract
              Cholesterol Health

              TABLETS AND CAPSULES             LIQUID EXTRACTS                  Gymnema 1:1
              Garlic Forte                     Albizia 1:2                      Milk Thistle 1:1
              Silymarin                        Globe Artichoke 1:2              Turmeric 1:1
              Connective Tissue
              TABLETS AND CAPSULES             LIQUID EXTRACTS                  Hawthorn Leaves 1:2
              Bilberry 6000mg                  Calendula 1:2                    Horsetail 1:2
              Bone Complex                     Gotu Kola 1:1 (Standardized)
              Vitanox ®
              Digestive Function
              TABLETS AND CAPSULES             Burdock Complex                  Burdock 1:2
              Primary:                         Colax                            Chamomile 1:2
              Artemisinin Complex              Cramplex                         Cinnamon Quills 1:4
              ChelaCo                          DermaCo                          Coleus 1:1 (QA) †
              Coleus Forte                     Golden Seal 500mg                Dandelion Root 1:2
              DiGest Forte                     Gut Flora Complex                Ginger 1:2
              HiPep                            Kava Forte                       Globe Artichoke 1:2
              LivCo ®                          Nevaton  Forte                   Golden Seal 1:3 (QA) †
              Livton  Complex                  Wormwood Complex                 Licorice 1:1
              Metabol Complex                  PHYTOSYNERGIST  LIQUIDS          Licorice High Grade (QA) †
              Myrrh Forte                                   ®                   Marshmallow Root 1:5 Glycetract
              Silymarin                        DiGest Phytosynergist  ®         Milk Thistle 1:1
              Turmeric Forte                   Fe-Max Iron Tonic Phytosynergist  Oregon Grape 1:2
              Secondary:                       LIQUID EXTRACTS                  Turmeric 1:1
              Andrographis Complex             Black Walnut Hulls 1:10          Wormwood 1:5
              Endocrine – Adrenal

              TABLETS AND CAPSULES             Secondary:                       LIQUID EXTRACTS
              Primary:                         Astragalus Complex               Astragalus 1:2
              Adrenal Complex                  Kava Forte                       Eleuthero 1:2 (Standardized)
              Ashwagandha Complex              Nervagesic                       Gotu Kola 1:1 (Standardized)
              Eleuthero                        Rehmannia Complex                Korean Ginseng 1:2 (Standardized)
              Rhodiola & Ginseng Complex       Thyroid Complex                  Licorice 1:1
              Rhodiola & Schisandra                                             Licorice High Grade (QA) †
                                                                                Rehmannia 1:2
                                                                                Schisandra 1:2
              Endocrine – Female
              TABLETS AND CAPSULES             FemCo                            LIQUID EXTRACTS
              Adrenal Complex                  Thyroid Complex                  Bugleweed 1:2
              Chaste Tree                                                       Chaste Tree 1:2
              Endocrine – Thyroid
              Thyroid Complex                  Bugleweed 1:2
                                               Coleus 1:1 (QA) †
              Essential Fatty Acid Complex

              Evening Primrose Oil

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