Page 115 - 2018 SP Product Guide
P. 115

Index of Component Herbs

            The Index of Component Herbs lists all herbs used in MediHerb  products in the following order: liquid extracts,
            single herb tablets, complex tablets or capsules and Phytosynergist  liquids.

             Common Name                                 Product                                      Page

              Adhatoda (Malabar Nut Tree)                 PulmaCo tablets                             59
              Albizia                                     Albizia 1:2                                 87
                                                          Albizia Complex tablets                     25
              Andrographis                                Andrographis Complex tablets                25
                                                          Gut Flora Complex capsules                  49
              Anise (Aniseed)                             Gut Flora Complex capsules                  49
              Ashwagandha (Withania)                      Ashwagandha 1:1                             87
                                                          Ashwagandha Complex tablets                 27
                                                          Thyroid Complex tablets                     69
                                                          Adrenal Tonic Phytosynergist ®              78
                                                          Fe-Max Iron Tonic Phytosynergist ®          82
              Astragalus                                  Astragalus 1:2                              87
                                                          Astragalus Complex tablets                  28
              Bacopa                                      Bacopa 1:2                                  88
                                                          Bacopa Complex tablets                      28
                                                          Thyroid Complex tablets                     69
              Baical Skullcap (Chinese Skullcap)          Albizia Complex tablets                     25
                                                          PulmaCo tablets                             59
              Bearberry (Uva Ursi)                        Uva Ursi 1:2                                105
                                                          Cranberry Complex tablets                   37
              Bilberry                                    Bilberry 6000mg tablets                     29
              Bitter Melon                                Metabol Complex tablets                     56
             Black Cohosh                                 Black Cohosh 1:2                            88
                                                          Bone Complex tablets                        30
                                                          Wild Yam Complex tablets                    75
             Black Cumin                                  Metabol Complex tablets                     56
             Black Walnut                                 Black Walnut Hulls 1:10                     88
                                                          Wormwood Complex tablets                    77
             Bladderwrack                                 Thyroid Complex tablets                     69
             Boswellia                                    Boswellia Complex tablets                   30
             Buchu                                        Cranberry Complex tablets                   37
                                                          UriCo Phytosynergist ®                      84
              Bugleweed                                   Bugleweed 1:2                               89
              Bupleurum                                   Bupleurum 1:2                               89
                                                          Livton  Complex tablets                     55
                                                          Rehmannia Complex tablets                   59
              Burdock                                     Burdock 1:2                                 89
                                                          Burdock Complex tablets                     31
                                                          DermaCo tablets                             37
              Butcher’s Broom                             Vascular Care Complex tablets               72

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