Page 63 - 2018 SP Product Guide
P. 63

Rhodiola Quality Story

                                        Rhodiola rosea (Sedum roseum) is commonly referred to as Golden Root or Roseroot and grows in dry sandy
                                       ground at high altitudes in the arctic regions of Europe and Asia.
                                       The freshly cut root has a rose-like odor that has led to its botanical name and one of its common names. The root has been used for
                                       centuries in the traditional herbalism  of Russia and Scandinavia. There are however 16 common species of Rhodiola growing in the
                                        Eurasian area. Of these, 11 have been tested in animal studies, but only R. rosea and to a far lesser extent R. crenulata have been
                                       assessed in human trials.
                                        Most of the Rhodiola species have been reported to contain the marker compound salidroside and this was originally used to
                                       standardize extracts of Rhodiola rosea. After more than a decade of research, however, it was shown that the chemical composition
                                       of R. rosea root is, in fact, different to the other species of the genus Rhodiola. Using newly developed methods of analysis, it was
             Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea)  shown that R. rosea root contains three cinnamyl alcohol-vicianosides: rosavin, rosin, and rosarin that are specific to this species.
                                       They are collectively termed rosavins. HPLC offers a ready method to differentiate true Rhodiola rosea from the other species
                                       offered on the market. The two major rosavins found are rosavin and rosarin, with only very low quantities of rosin.

                                        HPLC trace of Rhodiola rosea

                                       Korean Ginseng Quality Story

                                        Panax ginseng is a widely used and misunderstood herb. Traditionally the main root of the plant has been
                                        preferred for clinical use.
                                       The other parts of the plant such as the root hairs, leaves, leafstalks, etc are considered inferior and are never used clinically in the
                                        East. However, many herb traders will sell the other plant parts as they are substantially cheaper than the main root. The major
                                        marker compounds used to characterize Panax ginseng are the ginsenosides which occur in all parts of the plant and if you were to
                                       only consider total ginsenosides the main root is not the highest in content. The importance is in the ratio of specific ginsenosides.
                                       The European clinical studies were undertaken on extracts manufactured from the main root of Panax ginseng which have a
                                        particular ratio of ginsenosides. To achieve the clinical results obtained traditionally and supported by clinical trials it is important to
                                        use raw material from the correct plant part and the correct species. This is readily achievable using HPLC which easily distinguishes
                                        the different preparations.
             Korean Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
                                                                        % Content
                                                      Rg 1   Re     Rf    Rg 2   Rb 1   Rc    Rb 2   Rd    Total
                                        Leaves        1.078  1.524  —      —     0.184  0.736  0.553  1.113  5.188
                                        Leafstalks    0.327  0.141  —      —     —     0.190   —     0.107  0.765
                                        Stem          0.292  0.070  —      —     —      —     0.397   —    0.759
                                        Main root     0.379  0.153  0.092  0.023  0.342  0.190  0.131  0.038  1.348
                                        Lateral roots  0.406  0.668  0.203  0.090  0.850  0.738  0.434  0.143  3.532
                                        Root hairs    0.376  1.512  0.150  0.249  1.351  1.349  0.780  0.381  6.148
                                        Main root dry extract  1.4  2.1  0.6  0.6  2.9  1.9    2.4   1.5    13.4

                                                                          Korean Ginseng leaf dry extract
                                                                          Korean Ginseng root dry extract
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