Page 96 - 2018 SP Product Guide
P. 96

Echinacea Purpurea         Echinacea purpurea root contains caffeic acid   Supplement Facts
            1:3 Glycetract             derivatives (especially cichoric acid) and   Serving size:    5 mL (1 tsp)
                                       lipophilic components (especially alkylamides)
                                       and other phytochemicals which work    Servings per container:    40             Liquid Extracts
                                       together to:                                             Amount per Serving  %DV
                                       ƒ ƒ enhance immune system function  Calories                      10
                                       ƒ ƒ support healthy immune system response following   Echinacea root 1:3 extract   5 mL  †
                                        stress                            from Echinacea purpurea root 1.67 g
                                       ƒ ƒ support the tissue cleansing activity of the lymphatic   †  Daily Value (DV) not established.
                                       ƒ ƒ support normal white blood cell activity  Other ingredients: Purified water, glycerol, potassium sorbate and
                                       ƒ ƒ support normal response to environmental stresses  <5% alcohol.
                                       ƒ ƒ promote healthy lung function  Content       Product No
                                                                          200 mL (6.8 fl oz)   M6950
                                       ƒ ƒ support healthy upper respiratory tissue*
                                                                          Suggested Use
                                       Caution: Contraindicated in known allergy to plants of   Dilute 5 mL (approx. 1 teaspoon) in water or juice once per day,
                                       the daisy family. Not to be used during pregnancy and   or as directed.
             Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)  lactation unless otherwise directed by a qualified health
                                       care professional. t               See Echinacea Quality Information on page 39

            Eleuthero 1:2              Eleuthero contains a diverse group of   Supplement Facts
                                       constituents called eleutherosides, triterpenoid
            Standardized               saponins and other compounds.      Serving size:              5 mL (1 tsp)
                                       Eleuthero 1:2 is standardized to contain 0.5 mg/mL of   Servings per container:   40, 93
                                       eleutheroside E to ensure optimal strength and quality.  Amount per Serving  %DV
                                       The phytochemicals in Eleuthero work together to:  Calories        5
                                       ƒ ƒ enhance the body’s natural ability to adapt to   Eleuthero root 1:2 extract   5 mL  †
                                        temporary stress                  from Eleutherococcus senticosus root 2.5 g
                                       ƒ ƒ support physical and mental endurance  Containing eleutheroside E 2.5 mg
                                       ƒ ƒ ease the effects of heavy exercise  †  Daily Value (DV) not established.
                                       ƒ ƒ promote vitality
                                                                          Other ingredients:  Purified water, 45% alcohol, glycerol and
                                       ƒ ƒ restore and enhance immune system function  maltodextrin.
                                       ƒ ƒ act as a general tonic*        Content       Product No
                                       Caution: Not to be used during pregnancy and lactation   200 mL (6.8 fl oz)   M7420
                                       unless otherwise directed by a qualified health care   465 mL (15.7 fl oz)   M7424
                                       professional. Discontinue during an acute infection or
             Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus)  fever. t             Suggested Use
                                                                          Dilute 5 mL (approx. 1 teaspoon) in water or juice once per day,
                                                                          or as directed.

            Eyebright 1:2              Eyebright contains iridoid glycosides (especially   Supplement Facts
                                       aucubin), flavonoids and other substances that
                                       work together to:                  Serving size:              5 mL (1 tsp)
                                                                          Servings per container:        40
                                       ƒ ƒ assist in maintaining healthy breathing passages to
                                        support free and clear breathing                        Amount per Serving  %DV
                                       ƒ ƒ help maintain healthy mucus function  Calories                10
                                       ƒ ƒ maintain healthy eyes          Eyebright herb 1:2 extract    5 mL   †
                                       ƒ ƒ promote healthy immune system response to   from Euphrasia officinalis herb 2.5 g
                                        environmental stresses            †  Daily Value (DV) not established.
                                       ƒ ƒ support healthy upper respiratory function*
                                       Caution: Not to be used during pregnancy and lactation   Other ingredients: Purified water and 45% alcohol.
                                       unless otherwise directed by a qualified health care   Content      Product No
                                       professional. t                    200 mL (6.8 fl oz)   M6980
                                                                          Suggested Use
                                                                          Dilute 5 mL (approx. 1 teaspoon) in water or juice once per day,
             Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis)                            or as directed.

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