Page 40 - 2018 SP Product Guide
P. 40

Echinacea Premium                                               Supplement Facts

                                                                            Serving size:              1 tablet
                                       MediHerb  Echinacea Premium combines the roots   Servings per container:   40, 120
                                       of Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea         Amount per Serving  %DV
                                       to enlist properties unique to each.                                             Tablets and Capsules
                                                                            Echinacea root 4:1 extract   150 mg  †
                                       The blending of these two plant species ensures that the   from Echinacea angustifolia root 600 mg
                                       specific caffeic acid derivatives (cichoric acid, echinacoside,   Containing alkylamides 2.3 mg
                                       cynarin) and the lipophilic components (especially
                                       alkylamides) are present in appropriate quantities. This   Echinacea root 6:1 extract   112.5 mg  †
                                       product contains a total of 4.1 mg of alkylamides per tablet   from Echinacea purpurea root 675 mg
                                       to ensure optimal strength and quality.  Containing alkylamides 1.8 mg
                                       Echinacea and its constituents are used traditionally to:   †  Daily Value (DV) not established.
                                       ƒ ƒ help enhance healthy immune system function
                                                                            Other ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, dibasic calcium
                                       ƒ ƒ may support normal interferon production for healthy   phosphate dihydrate, sodium starch glycolate, hypromellose, silicon
                                        immune system response
                                                                            dioxide and magnesium stearate.
                                       ƒ ƒ support and promote healthy white blood cells  Content      Product No
                                       ƒ ƒ support healthy immune system response following stress  40 Tablets      M1240
                                       ƒ ƒ encourage healthy upper respiratory tract  120 Tablets     M1245
                                       ƒ ƒ support healthy throat tissue*   Suggested Use
                                                                           1 tablet 2 – 3 times daily, or as directed.
                                       Caution: Contraindicated in known allergy to plants of the
                                       daisy family. Not to be used during pregnancy and lactation   Educational Tools
                                       unless otherwise directed by a qualified health care   L0329: Clinical Success Made Simple With MediHerb  Handout
                                       professional. t                      L0635: Echinacea Premium Brochure
                                                                            L0815: Echinacea Premium – Nature’s Everyday Immune Support
                                       Additional Support                   Handout
                                                                            L4912: Immune System Health Handout
                                       ƒ ƒ Combine with Andrographis Complex tablets or Viranon   L0806: MediHerb  Echinacea Research Handout
                                        tablets for additional immune system support.
                                                                            L0332: MediHerb  The Quality Choice for Practitioner Handout
                                       ƒ ƒ Consider combining with Gut Flora Complex capsules to   Product Detail Sheet available online
                                        further support immune system response and promote
                                        health in the lower gastrointestinal tract.
                                       ƒ ƒ Combine with Albizia Complex or Rehmannia Complex
                                        tablets to support normal immune system response.
                                       ƒ ƒ Combine with Herbal Throat Spray Phytosynergist to soothe
                                        mild irritations of the throat, freshen breath and maintain
                                        healthy mucosal tissue in the upper respiratory tract.
                                       ƒ ƒ Combine with Artemisinin Complex tablets to support
                                        normal flushing of naturally occurring toxins from the body.
                                       ƒ ƒ Combine with Myrrh Forte tablets for temporary relief of mild
                                        digestive disturbances and support of respiratory health.*

                                       Echinacea Quality Story

                                       The Important Constituents            in the mouth when tasting good quality Echinacea products.
                                        Echinacea is the most widely used herb and the most   The phenolic acids are determined as the levels of caftaric acid,
                                        misunderstood. MediHerb  has for many years invested heavily   echinacoside and cichoric acid; echinacoside is typical of
                                        into research on Echinacea to identify quality markers that are   E. angustifolia and E. pallida roots and is not found in E. purpurea.
                                        important for clinical use. The levels of the phenolic acid esters,   Cichoric acid is not found in E. angustifolia root, but is found in the
                                       eg echinacoside, are commonly used by many manufacturers as   aerial parts of all species and characteristically in the root of
                                        marker compounds or indicators of Echinacea quality. However,   E. purpurea.
                                        recent trials have highlighted the significance of alkylamides for
                                       clinical efficacy, hence it is important that quality products are   MediHerb  products are quantified to contain a minimum level of
                                       characterized for these phytochemicals as well. This has led to   alkylamides by the USP26-NF21 HPLC method, the levels of
             Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia)  the incorporation of a specification and analytical test   phenolic acids are measured for information only and are used to
                                        methodology for Echinacea products in the USP26-NF21 draft   confirm product identity and the absence of contamination from
                                        monographs which focuses on alkylamides tested by HPLC and   other Echinacea species.
                                        DAD detection. The alkylamides being tested are the 2,4-diene   ®
                                       alkylamides and the 2-ene alkylamides.  The MediHerb  Difference
                                       This method has been adopted by MediHerb and the   MediHerb  has developed specialized knowledge in the
                                        alkylamides are determined as 2,4-diene alkylamides and 2-ene   manufacture and testing of Echinacea products over the past 20
                                        alkylamides. The 2-enes are characteristic of Echinacea   years. This includes a PhD study, extensive analytical method
                                       angustifolia and are not found in the other species. The 2,4-dienes   development, establishment of optimal harvesting, drying and
                                        are found in both E. purpurea and E. angustifolia and these   storage protocols to maximize retention of actives and a
                                        phytochemicals are responsible for the intense tingling sensation   successful clinical trial.

                                                                              Tablets and Capsules • MediHerb Product Catalog 2018  39
   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45