Page 41 - 2018 SP Product Guide
P. 41

A New Understanding

            The most well-known herbal support for the immune system   for thousands of patients – it is his number one favorite herb. His
            is Echinacea, yet it is both misunderstood and underestimated.   clinical applications are much broader than just winter seasonal
            There are many Echinacea products available which differ   stresses and you may wonder why this is.
            according to plant species (E. angustifolia, E. purpurea or   Kerry’s clinical success with Echinacea and particularly Echinacea
            E. pallida or combinations of these), plant part (root, leaves or   Premium, led to the MediHerb  Echinacea Research project.
            seeds or combination of these), quality markers (alkylamides,   MediHerb  research results validate the traditional wisdom of
            polysaccharides or caffeic acid conjugates such as cichoric acid)   Echinacea, ie to achieve good clinical results you must use
            and dosage. The typical clinical application for Echinacea is   only a root preparation of Echinacea with high levels of
            short-term only for winter seasonal stresses. Kerry Bone has   alkylamides. To fully appreciate the implications of this research
            spent many years both researching and prescribing Echinacea   we must first look at the history of Echinacea.*

            The History of Echinacea – Traditional vs 20th Century

            Information about the health promoting value of Echinacea first came from Native American tribes. Their use of Echinacea was then
            adopted by the Eclectics, a group of doctors who were prominent around the late 19  and early 20  centuries in the United States. By
            1921 Echinacea (specifically the root of Echinacea angustifolia) was by far the most popular treatment prescribed by Eclectic physicians. 1
            From this traditional use we know:
                The Native Americans preferred Echinacea angustifolia and ONLY used the root
               The Eclectics only used a fluid extract of the dried root of Echinacea angustifolia extracted in a high
              percentage of alcohol                                                              Traditional:
                This extract is lipophilic (fat loving) and can be called a “traditional Echinacea extract”
                                                                                                 Ethanol extract
               The Eclectics defined good quality Echinacea root “as imparting a persistent tingling sensation” which is a   Root
              clear reference to alkylamide levels as a quality indicator. 2
                                                                                                 High alkylamides
            In Europe during the 1930s, the German herbalist Madaus used E. purpurea as he was more successful at
            growing this species. His interest in homeopathy led him to use the stabilized juice of fresh E. purpurea tops
            (aerial parts).

            From the 20  Century German use of Echinacea we know:
                This style of product is a “hydrophilic” (water loving) extract of Echinacea
                These tinctures contain very low levels of alkylamides                           Juice
                German scientists researched these new extracts for an active component and identified the   Aerial parts
              polysaccharides 3                                                                  Low alkylamides
                In contrast, traditional Echinacea extracts contain few polysaccharides because the root has low starting
              levels and the high percentage of alcohol used does not effectively extract these water-loving molecules
                Importantly, polysaccharides are large polar compounds that have low oral bioavailability 4
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