Page 153 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 153

Our Corporate Values

                                      Standard Process demonstrates

                                          commitment to the Whole:

                    PERSON                  By fostering the physical, emotional, intellectual, and
                                            spiritual health of customers and employees

                    PRODUCT                 By emphasizing the importance of concentrated whole food
                                            ingredient sources and herbs in the product line

                    PROCESS                 By ensuring the highest quality in every stage of
                                            development, from farming through shipping

                    PLANET                  By utilizing environmentally safe farming,
                                            manufacturing, and business practices

                    POSTERITY               By preserving and strengthening the company
                                            for all future generations

                                            1200 W. Royal Lee Drive   |   Palmyra, WI 53156
                                 800-848-5061   |   Customer Care  800-558-8740  |

                                          CONNECT WITH US

                                                              Sold Through
                                                           H ealth C are Professionals

                                           This guide is for health care professional use only.
                    Patients should consult with a health care professional before taking any Standard Process products.

                               ©2019 Standard Process Inc. (This is a subsequent edition of the work published in 2010.) All rights reserved.
                      No part of this publication may be reprinted or reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher.    L5000 08/19
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