Page 152 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 152


                     D I FFE R E N CE

                          Changing lives is our passion and has been since

                         our company’s inception in 1929. This passion is what
                       drove our founder, Dr. Royal Lee, to develop and pioneer
                           the first whole food supplement on the market, the
                                            revolutionary Catalyn.

                                              At Standard Process:

                              We change lives with our whole food philosophy.

                         We grow ingredients on our organic farm in Wisconsin.
                                          We’re serious about quality.

                      We make products to support the health of the whole family.

                                 We partner with health care professionals.

                             We’ve been trusted for generations. Our products
                                  have been transforming lives since 1929.

                                             Whole Food Nutrient Solutions  |  |  800-558-8740152
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