Page 23 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 23

About Us

               Seeds                                             Irrigation                                           About Us
               In an organic system and on our certified organic   When irrigation is necessary, water is supplied from
               farm, there is zero tolerance for genetic         a naturally occurring artesian flowage below the
               engineering. On the Standard Process farm, we use   farm’s surface.
               certified organic seeds whenever they are available,
               whether they are purchased or saved from our own   Pollination
               farm. If after a diligent search it is determined that   Colony collapse disorder has had a catastrophic
               organic seed is not available, other untreated seed   effect on the honeybee population in the United
               that has not been genetically engineered is only   States and threatens the pollination of our nation’s
               then considered an option.                        fruits and vegetables. That’s why our farm has
                                                                 planted more than 500 plants of 35 different native
               Soil                                              species in a permanent habitat for honeybees and
               We take soil samples annually to determine        other pollinators.
               mineral and nutrient levels in the soil. We never
               use any synthetic fertilizers or pesticides in the   Composting
               organic growing process.                          It is a goal of every organic farm to increase fertility
                                                                 and improve soil health. We use the biological
               Weed Control                                      process of composting to turn organic production
               Like all farmers who strictly adhere to organic   waste from the farm’s press room into a rich and
               weed-control standards, we spend many of our days   extremely fertile humus-like substance that we
               managing weeds. There is no simple approach, just   spread over our fields.
               a comprehensive one that includes cultivating,
               mowing, and hand weeding. To minimize weeds,      Environmental Buffers
               we grow cover crops and institute crop rotation.   Our farm is surrounded on all sides by
               These practices have additional benefits: Cover   environmental buffers to minimize the impact of
               crops are a great source of nitrogen and organic   nonagricultural land and synthetic inputs from
               matter, and crop rotation helps maintain the health   conventional farming practices.
               of the soil and the plants.

                *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.   23
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