Page 19 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 19

 Nutrient  Natural Sources  Functions                                    Supplements

 Listed in order of highest nutrient value  Support                      Containing Named Nutrient**

 Vitamin B    Mushrooms (shiitake and crimini), avocados, sweet   Energy production; endocrine and    Vitamin B  is an essential component of coenzyme A (CoA), which is   Cellular Vitality
 5  potatoes, lentils, dried peas, poultry (meat, liver), beef   hepatic systems  required for metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; necessary
 Pantothenic Acid  (liver), yogurt, broccoli, rye, sunflower seeds   for synthesis and storage of fatty acids; and required for synthesis of
               cholesterol and hormones.
 Vitamin B    Poultry, beef, fish (cod, salmon, halibut, tuna), sweet   Energy production; blood; nervous, hepatic,   Vitamin B  is a cofactor required for metabolism of amino acids,   B -Niacinamide
 6  potatoes, potatoes, sunflower seeds, spinach, bananas,   and immune systems  carbohydrates, and lipids as well as glycogen utilization; synthesis of   Circuplex ®
 Pyridoxine  nutritional yeast, winter squash, broccoli   neurotransmitters and hormones; essential for myelin formation, heme   Min-Chex ®
               production, sulfur metabolism, and phase one liver detoxification;   Niacinamide B
               supports a healthy immune system; and plays a role in metabolism    Orchex ®  6
               of tryptophan.
 Vitamin B    Almonds, sweet potatoes, eggs, onions, oats, tomatoes,   Hepatic, endocrine, integumentary, and   Vitamin B  is essential for lipogenesis and gluconeogenesis, metabolism   Cellular Vitality
 7  peanuts, carrots, walnuts, salmon   immune systems  of amino acids, and oxidation of fatty acids; helps regulate gene
 Biotin        expression; and supports immune system processes, insulin function,
               and epithelial tissue. Biotin can be synthesized in the gut by
               intestinal bacteria.
 Vitamin B    Seafood (salmon, halibut, sardines, shrimp, tuna, cod,   Energy and DNA production; blood;   Vitamin B  is a required cofactor involved in methionine metabolism   Cataplex  B
 12  scallops, mollusks), lamb (meat, liver), beef (meat, liver),   cardiovascular, nervous, and   and in the production of energy from proteins and fats; supports   Folic Acid B
 Cobalamin  dairy (yogurt, milk, cheese), eggs, poultry (meat,    musculoskeletal systems  myelin synthesis and nervous system function; helps synthesize choline;   For-Til B
 liver, heart)  promotes the maturation of red blood cells and other rapidly growing   Manganese B  ™
               cells; supports bone and joint health; is essential for folate utilization; and   Trace Minerals-B  ™
               is a cofactor for DNA synthesis.                                       12
 Vitamin C  Papayas, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts,   Immune, integumentary, nervous, endocrine,   Vitamin C is an antioxidant, a cofactor in the synthesis of   Cataplex  A-C   Collagen C ™
 strawberries, pineapples, oranges, kiwi fruits,   cardiovascular, and skeletal systems   neurotransmitters, and required for collagen formation and healthy   Cataplex  A-C-P   Echinacea-C ™
 cantaloupes, cauliflowers, tomatoes  connective tissue. Vitamin C supports skin, tooth, blood vessel, and bone   Cataplex  C                               Regeneplex ®
               integrity; facilitates iron absorption; supports immune system function;
               and assists in cholesterol metabolism.
 Vitamin D  Fatty fish (salmon, halibut, sardines, tuna, mackerel),   Skeletal, immune, endocrine, cardiovascular,   Vitamin D is essential in bone health and regulation of bone mineral   Catalyn ®
 cow’s milk (fortified), alternative milks (fortified), eggs,   and integumentary systems   density and calcium balance as well as for the immune system and the   Cataplex  D
 mushrooms, cod liver oil, liver  maturation of white blood cells. Vitamin D supports insulin secretion and   Cod Liver Oil
               action; the cardiovascular system and healthy blood pressure; overall   Cyro-Yeast ®
               health of the endocrine system; and cellular growth and differentiation of   e-Poise ®
               the epithelium.
                                                                         Senaplex ®
 Vitamin E  Sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, greens (Swiss   Immune, cardiovascular, integumentary, and   Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that exists in eight different forms,   Cataplex  E
 chard, turnip greens, collards, beet greens, mustard,   nervous systems  each considered to have distinct effects in the body. Vitamin E is immune  Cataplex  E
 kale), avocados, peanuts, asparagus, wheat germ,   enhancing; supports proper nerve and muscle function; supports healthy   E-Manganese ™
 peppers (chili, bell), olives, red palm oil  circulation and tissue regeneration; promotes healthy blood clotting; and   Immuplex ®
               is essential for the maintenance of healthy skin.         Wheat Germ Oil Fortified ™
 Vitamin K  Kale, spinach, greens (mustard, collards, beet greens,   Blood, skeletal system  Vitamin K is essential for normal blood clotting function and is involved in  Cruciferous Complete ™
 Swiss chard, turnip greens), parsley, broccoli,    bone mineralization, supporting bone mineral density and strength.
 Naphthoquinones  Brussels sprouts, cabbages, pumpkins, okra, pine
 nuts, blueberries

 Zinc  Seafood (mollusks, crab, shrimp, oysters), beef (meat,   Cell membranes; metabolic, cardiovascular,   Zinc is essential for numerous enzyme functions and cellular processes,   Chezyn ®   Neuroplex ®
 liver), lamb (meat, liver), seeds (sesame, pumpkin),   immune, integumentary, endocrine,   such as gene expression, protein folding, carbohydrate synthesis,   Epimune Complex   Palmettoplex ®
 lentils, chickpeas, nuts (cashews, almonds, peanuts),   musculoskeletal, and nervous systems  vasoconstriction, and immune system response; has a structural role   Immuplex ®   Zinc Liver Chelate ™
 poultry (meat, organ), quinoa, wheat germ  in cell membranes and proteins; and regulates gene expression, cell
               signaling, hormone release, apoptosis, and nerve impulse transmission.
               Zinc is concentrated in the prostate gland.

                *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.   19
                **See Primary Ingredient Cross Reference for additional products
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