Page 35 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 35

Introduced in 2015
                                                                   14010 - 1 Kit With SP Complete   14011 - 1 Kit with SP Complete  Chocolate
               10-Day Blood Sugar Support Kits                 14020 - 1 Kit With SP Complete  Dairy Free, 14021 - 1 Kit with SP Complete  Vanilla
               Maintaining healthy normal blood sugar metabolism is key for good energy,                              Products
               quality sleep, an even mood, and a healthful appetite. The 10-Day Blood    For suggested use, ingredients, and
               Sugar Support Program gives you a valuable way to start patients on a    supplement facts:
               journey toward wellness. Choose from four different product kits based    SP Complete
               on the preferred protein choice.*                          SP Complete Dairy Free
               Included in the kit are:                                   SP Cleanse
               ◆ ◆ One SP Complete (any type)                             SP Complete Chocolate
               ◆ ◆ One SP Cleanse                                         SP Complete Vanilla
               ◆ ◆ One Diaplex                                            Diaplex
               ◆ ◆ One Gymnema (MediHerb®)
                                                                          (See MediHerb® catalog or
               ◆ ◆ Patient program guide                                  visit
               ◆ ◆ Recyclable bag

                                                                          Blood Sugar
                                                                          Support Program

                                                                                                      Introduced in 2016
                                                                    14030 - 1 Kit With SP Complete , 14031 - 1 Kit with SP Complete  Chocolate
               10-Day Healthy Inflammation                     14040 - 1 Kit With SP Complete  Dairy Free, 14041 - 1 Kit with SP Complete  Vanilla
               Response Kits
               Reducing the effects of inflammation associated with exercise and a
               healthy lifestyle is a key factor in supporting and improving overall function.    For suggested use, ingredients, and
               The 10-Day Healthy Inflammation Response Program gives you a valuable    supplement facts:
               way to jump-start your patients’ normal inflammatory processes. Choose from    SP Complete
               four different product kits based on the preferred protein choice.*
                                                                           SP Complete Dairy Free
               Included in the kit are:                                    SP Cleanse

               ◆ ◆ One SP Complete (any type)                              SP Complete Chocolate
               ◆ ◆ One SP Cleanse                                          SP Complete Vanilla
               ◆ ◆ One Cyruta Plus                                         Cyruta Plus
               ◆ ◆ One Black Currant Seed Oil                              Black Currant Seed Oil
               ◆ ◆ One Boswellia Complex (MediHerb)                        Boswellia Complex
                                                                           (See MediHerb® catalog or
               ◆ ◆ Patient program guide                                   visit
               ◆ ◆ Recyclable bag

                                                                      Healthy Inflammation
                                                                      Response Program

                GF Gluten-free  |  This product contains less than 20 parts per million per the suggested use listed on each product label.   V Vegetarian (lacto-ovo)

               Please consult the actual product label for the most accurate product information. The synergistic products listed are for general reference only. Protocols should be devised by health care professionals according to each patient’s individual needs.
                *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.   35
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