Page 13 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 13

Our Focus Is on Quality, Not Quantity             We promptly process our farm-harvested crops         Why Whole Food Nutrition
               When we take supplements, we often think that     to minimize the loss of phytonutrients and
               more is better. This common misperception can     deliver those nutrient complexes so integral to
               lead to megadosing, or taking vitamins that       Dr. Lee’s vision.
               contain amounts of certain nutrients that         For items we can’t grow, Standard Process has an
               exponentially exceed daily recommendations.
                                                                 extensive, rigorous system of supplier auditing
               Quality is far more important than quantity when   and validation. This allows us to provide patients
               evaluating and choosing nutritional supplements.   with a product that has been controlled, vetted,
               Supplements that contain only synthetic vitamins   tested, and verified from beginning to end.
               have just a fraction of the beneficial compounds   Some types of processing can destroy enzymes and
               that are found in foods. Those supplements may    phytonutrients. Our manufacturing process is
               only focus on certain challenges in the body.     designed to minimize the loss of vital nutrients
               Supplements that include whole food ingredients   from each ingredient.
               are more complex, as they contain a mix of
               constituents that can be used to address a wider
               range of the body’s needs.*

               High-Quality Ingredients

               As in any recipe, the quality of ingredients affects
               the quality of the final product. Manufacturers
               who grow their own ingredients have control
               over them, which is why Standard Process owns a
               623-acre certified organic farm. The farm, located
               just a mile down the road from company
               headquarters in Palymra, Wisconsin, harvests
               6.7 million pounds of vegetables every year. More
               than 80 percent of the raw plant ingredients used
               in our products are grown on our farm.


                *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.   13
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