Page 16 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 16

       Nutrient              Natural Sources                                                                                              Functions                                                  Supplements

                             Listed in order of highest nutrient value     Support                                                                                                                   Containing Named Nutrient**

       Magnesium             Spinach, artichokes, greens (Swiss chard, beet greens,   Musculoskeletal, metabolic, nervous,                Magnesium is an essential cofactor in more than 300 cellular reactions,   Calcium Lactate
                             turnip greens), seeds (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower),   endocrine, and cardiovascular systems                  such as those involved in nucleic acid, protein, carbohydrate, and lipid   Calcium Lactate Powder
                             quinoa, beans (black beans, navy beans, pinto beans,                                                         synthesis; necessary for bone and tooth structure and integrity; supports   E-Z Mg™
                             lima beans, kidney beans, green beans, soybeans), nuts                                                       healthy nerve and muscle function; and essential for energy production,   Magnesium Lactate
                             (cashews, almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pine nuts),                                                         healthy cortisol levels, glucose function, insulin function, and cellular   SP Detox Balance™
                             broccoli, buckwheat, tomatoes                                                                                messaging. Glutathione, an important cellular antioxidant, requires
                                                                                                                                          magnesium for synthesis.
       Manganese             Beef (liver), grains (oats, brown rice, rye, barley),   Musculoskeletal, integumentary, metabolic,           Manganese supports normal bone and collagen formation; promotes   E-Manganese
                             beans (chickpeas, soybeans, lima beans, navy beans),   and nervous systems                                   the formation and activation of certain enzymes, such as mitochondrial   Ligaplex  I
                             chickpeas, lentils, green peas, wheat germ, spinach,                                                         antioxidant enzyme manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD); involved   Ligaplex  II
                             pineapples, seeds (pumpkins, sunflower), tempeh,                                                             in carbohydrate, amino acid, and cholesterol metabolism; and essential    Manganese B  ™
                             tofu, quinoa, nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews,                                                               for numerous metabolic and nervous system functions in the brain.  Trace Minerals-B  ™
                             pecans, hazelnuts)                                                                                                                                                                   12
       Phosphorus            Seafood (scallops, sardines, cod, tuna, salmon, shrimp),   Cell membranes; musculoskeletal,                  Phosphorus is an essential component of cellular membrane structure   Calcifood ®
                             seeds (pumpkin, sesame, sunflower), lentils, poultry   integumentary, metabolic, nervous, and                and nucleic acids; vital for bone, collagen, and tooth integrity, formation,   Calsol
                             (meat, liver), dairy (yogurt, milk), nuts (cashews,   renal systems                                          and structure; and involved in metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and   Disodium Phosphate
                             almonds), flaxseeds, beans (chickpeas, navy beans,                                                           lipids. Phosphorus supports energy production, cell growth and repair,   Ligaplex  I
                             pinto beans, kidney beans, black beans, lima beans),                                                         cardiovascular function, and nerve and muscle activity; regulates healthy   Phosfood  Liquid
                             quinoa, beef (meat, liver)                                                                                   pH; and facilitates excretion of wastes through the kidneys.
       Potassium             Greens (beet greens, Swiss chard), beans (lima, pinto,   Electrolytes; blood; cardiovascular,                Potassium is a vital electrolyte involved in osmotic balance and creation    Calcifood  Powder
                             black, kidney), lentils, sweet potatoes, potatoes,   nervous, musculoskeletal, renal, and                    of membrane potential, which fuels muscle contraction, heart function,   Cruciferous Complete ™
                             spinach, avocados, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, beets,   metabolic systems                                    and nerve impulse transmissions; essential for healthy blood pressure,   Organically Bound Minerals
                             tomatoes, cantaloupes, oranges, prunes, papayas,                                                             kidney function, and healthy blood clotting; helps maintain a normal pH;
                             peaches, bananas, kale                                                                                       and supports enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
       Selenium              Brazil nuts, seafood (tuna, shrimp, sardines, salmon,   Endocrine, immune, and metabolic systems             Selenium is a vital cofactor for antioxidant enzymes, such as    Cardio-Plus ®   Immuplex ®
                             cod, lobster), poultry (meat, organ), barley, pork, beef                                                     glutathione peroxidase and thioredoxin reductases; essential for   Cardio-Plus  GF   Myo-Plus ®
                             (meat, organ), lamb, mushrooms (crimini, shiitake),                                                          thyroid function; aids in DNA and protein synthesis; and supports a    Cataplex  E
                             wheat germ                                                                                                   healthy immune system response.                            Cataplex  E
       Vitamin A             Retinol source (animal): liver, shrimp, eggs, cow’s milk,   Visual; endocrine, immune, integumentary,        Vitamin A is essential for the visual system, including adaptation to light   A-F Betafood
                             cheese, yogurt, salmon, sardines, chicken, turkey    and reproductive systems                                and night vision. Vitamin A also supports a healthy immune system;   Cataplex  A
                             Beta carotene (plant): sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach,                                                     is required for growth and natural repair of many body tissues; and   Cataplex  A-C
                             kale, greens (mustard, collards, turnip greens), winter                                                      maintains integrity of blood cells and epithelial tissue lining the gut, lungs,   Cataplex  A-C-P
                             squash, romaine lettuce, bok choy, cantaloupes,                                                              and reproductive tract.                                    Cod Liver Oil
                             bell peppers
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Emphaplex ®
       Vitamin B             Sunflower seeds, beans (navy, black, pinto, lima), lentils,   Energy production; nervous, cardiovascular,    Vitamin B  is a required cofactor for carbohydrate metabolism and is   Catalyn ®   e-Poise ®
                      1      whole grains (oats, wheat, barley), peas, mushrooms,   and immune systems                                    necessary for biosynthesis of neurotransmitters that support mental   Cataplex  B    Neuroplex ®
       Thiamine              sweet potatoes, flaxseeds, tuna, nutritional yeast,                                                          alertness and cognitive ability. Vitamin B  supports myocardial energy,    Cataplex  B-GF   Vasculin
                             wheat germ                                                                                                   has roles in oxidant stress protection, and supports the immune system.  Cellular Vitality
       Vitamin B             Spinach, beet greens, tempeh, dairy (yogurt, milk),   Energy production; blood; immune,                      A required factor in coenzymes that activate and support metabolic   Cardio-Plus ®  ®
                                                                           cardiovascular, nervous systems
                             crimini mushrooms, eggs, asparagus, almonds, green
                                                                                                                                          processes throughout the body, vitamin B  is vital in the electron-transport  Cardio-Plus  GF
       Riboflavin            peas, turkey (meat, liver), beef (meat, liver)                                                               chain for production of energy, normal cell function, and growth.    Cataplex  G
                                                                                                                                          Vitamin B  interacts as a cofactor with other B vitamins, such as in the   Cholaplex ®
                                                                                                                                          activation of vitamin B  and creation of niacin; supports a healthy immune   Drenamin ®
                                                                                                                                          system; participates in activities of many critical enzymes; and supports   Neuroplex ®
                                                                                                                                          the cardiovascular system and red blood cell production.
       Vitamin B             Seafood (tuna, salmon, sardines, shrimp), poultry   Energy production; cardiovascular, hepatic,              Niacin is converted to the cofactor nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide   B -Niacinamide
                      3      (meat, liver), lamb, beef (meat, liver), nutritional yeast,   integumentary, and nervous systems             (NAD), an important part of oxidation-reduction reactions within the body.   Cataplex  B
       Niacin or             peanuts, whole grains (brown rice, barley, corn), sweet                                                      NAD is involved in catabolism of carbohydrates, fats, amino acids, and   Cataplex  B-GF
       Niacinamide           potatoes, mushrooms (crimini), asparagus                                                                     alcohol as well as biosynthetic reactions. Niacin promotes a healthy heart   Cataplex  G
                                                                                                                                          and skin integrity, promotes hydrochloric acid production and cellular   Niacinamide B
                                                                                                                                          respiration, and enhances metabolism and circulation.                 6
     16                                      Whole Food Nutrient Solutions  |  |  800-558-8740
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