Page 147 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 147

A beautiful summer day at Standard Process corporate headquarters in Palmyra, Wisconsin                References, Glossary, and FAQs

               Q  Should Standard Process tablets dissolve       Product Usage
                   in water or vinegar?
                                                                 Q  Why is it better to take supplements
               A  All products meet the standard disintegration      throughout the day instead of all at once?
                   levels set forth by the United States
                   Pharmacopeia (USP). Water and vinegar are not   A   The body processes most compounds based on
                   good models for how the stomach digests foods.    concentration; so the more there is, the faster
                                                                     your body works to process it. The key is getting
               Q  How is the manufacturing equipment                 the right concentration at the right time. In
                   cleaned between different product runs?           general, taking smaller amounts throughout the
               A  Between each separate product run, any             day allows the body to maintain a lower but
                   equipment that comes in contact with ingredients   more consistent amount for a longer period of
                   or finished product is washed and sanitized. Swab   time, sustaining the molecular mechanisms
                   samples are taken from several areas of each      supported by the consumed compounds.
                   piece of equipment. These samples are exposed to
                   a luminometer, which fluoresces in proportion to   Q  Why is it recommended that some
                   the amount of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in     Standard Process supplements be chewed?
                   the sample. ATP is found in and around all    A  Some Standard Process supplements are
                   biological matter and would indicate a possible   designed as chewables for those who cannot
                   bacterial presence. If the luminometer measures   swallow capsules or tablets. After chewing,
                   ATP results beyond an acceptable level, the       taste-bud receptors tell the brain what is
                   cleaning process is repeated and additional ATP   entering the digestive system. Tasting is
                   tests are conducted. After the cleaned equipment   considered the first stage of digestion, when
                   passes the ATP testing protocol, the equipment is   salivary secretion enzymes are activated.
                   sanitized. Only then is the equipment ready for   Q  Which Standard Process supplements
                   use with a new batch of product. If a clean piece   should not be chewed and why?
                   of equipment is unused for more than 24 hours, it
                   is resanitized prior to use. Sanitizing solutions   A  Zypan, Betaine Hydrochloride, and Cal-Amo
                   are rotated regularly to avoid bacterial resistance.   should never be chewed because the acids may
                   The surrounding production suite, including the   cause potential damage to tooth enamel.
                   floors, walls, and vent covers, is also cleaned.   Chlorophyll Complex Perles will temporarily
                                                                     stain the teeth and turn the tongue green.

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