Page 132 - 2018 SP Product Guide
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how the risk of interaction is assessed, with worked examples from the chart: go to and view the Herb-Drug
                                 For more information on the process used to assess the herb-drug interaction research (and why some research is not included),
                             considered low risk and a caution is recommended: the patient should be monitored, through the normal process of repeat
                              In the case of gliclazide, because the trial found little effect on a clinically-relevant outcome, the potential interaction is
                        A recommended action is suggested on a risk assessment of the information in the Basis of Concern. In these examples:
                                              Recommended Action  Monitor at high doses (> 100 mg/day  anthocyanins, low level of risk).  Monitor (low level of risk).  Contraindicated unless under close   supervision.  Monitor (low level of risk).  Contraindicated.  Contraindicated.  Monitor (low level of risk).  Monitor (very low level of risk).  Monitor (low level of risk).
                            It is recommended that St John’s wort is contraindicated in patients taking cancer chemotherapeutic drugs.

                 Potential Herb-Drug Interactions for Commonly Used Herbs*

                                    Interaction Chart under ‘Resources’.  Antiplatelet activity observed in healthy volunteers (173 mg/day of bilberry anthocyanins). 1  Case report of  Uncontrolled trial (600 mg/day of bilberry anthocyanins + 30 mg/day of vitamin C for 2 months then reduced  maintenance dose) of 9 patients taking anticoagulant drugs – treatment reduced retinal hemorrhages without  Case report (patient reported to consume “large amounts of bilberry fruits every day fo

                               consultations. Health care professionals please note: when a patient presents using any of the drugs listed below and there is a potential interaction with the herb you intend to dispense, it is important that you or your patient discuss the potential interaction with their prescribing physician before you dispense the herb to the patient.   Theoretical concern based on deliberations of German Commission E.  Case report, in a patient with cirrhosis bein

                                                        postoperative bleeding (bilberry extract undefined). 2
                            wort resulted in decreased levels of cancer chemotherapeutic drugs. (Italicized words represent the information in
                                  volunteers administration of St John’s wort resulted in  increased clearance of the hypoglycemic drug gliclazide, and
                          information in the Potential Interaction column. For example, clinical studies found that administration of St John’s
                        The chart is read from left to right. The information in the Basis of Concern column provides the evidence for the
                                              Basis of Concern  Herb Alone  Herb or Constituent and Drug  impairing coagulation. 3  Case report. 5  Theoretical concern, no cases reported.  thyroxine. 7  Case report.
                                    so may reduce the drug’s efficacy, however, glucose and insulin response to glucose loading were unchanged.
                                More details may be provided in the Basis of Concern column. For example, in a clinical study with healthy

                                              Potential Interaction  Potentiation of bleeding.  Black Cohosh  Actaea racemosa (Cimicifuga racemosa) May potentiate increase in liver enzymes,   specifically ALT.  May decrease effectiveness of drug due to   natural iodine content. 6  May add to effect of drug.  May interfere with administration of  diagnostic procedures using radioactive   isotopes. 8 Should not be administered concurrently with  preparations containing thyroid hormone.

                     How to Read the Chart  the Herb-Drug Interaction chart below.)  Drug  Bilberry  Vaccinium myrtillus  Warfarin  Statin drugs eg atorvastatin  Bladderwrack  Fucus vesiculosus  Hyperthyroid medication   eg carbimazole  Thyroid replacement therapies    eg thyroxine Bugleweed  Lycopus virginicus, Lycopus europaeus  Radioactive iodine  Thyroid hormones  Cat’s Claw  Uncaria tomentosa  HIV protease inhibitors  ACE inhibitor  Theophylline

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