Page 136 - 2018 SP Product Guide
P. 136

Recommended Action  Monitor (low level of risk).  Monitor at doses of metformin > 1 g/day  (medium level of risk). Reduce drug if  necessary in conjunction with prescribing   physician.  Monitor (low level of risk).  Monitor (low level of risk).  Monitor at doses < 240 mg/day (medium  level of risk). Contraindicated for higher   doses.  Monitor (low level of risk).  Monitor (low level of risk).  Monitor (low level of risk).  Monitor (low level of risk).  Monitor (low l

               Basis of Concern Observation from aborted trial: hypoglycemia occurred in volunteers with normal glucose tolerance within 60  minutes. 110  Ginkgo 50:1 extract was administered as a single dose of 120 mg. 111 Clinical trial: elimination half-life was increased at doses of metformin 850 mg, three times a day. Effect not  significant at doses to 500 mg, twice a day. Ginkgo 50:1 extract was administered as a single dose of 120 mg. 110 Clinical trial with healthy volunteer

               Potential Interaction  Glipizide: May cause hypoglycemia.  Metformin: May enhance effectiveness of   drug.  Pioglitazone: May increase drug level. Tolbutamide: May decrease effectiveness   of drug. May increase drug levels or side effects.  May decrease drug levels.  May decrease drug levels.  May increase drug levels.  May potentiate effect of drug on displacing   bilirubin.  May increase drug level. Green Tea  Camellia sinensis  (See also Polyphenol-containing herbs

                  Hypoglycemic drugs                        Golden Seal N   Hydrastis canadensis  Drugs which displace the protein   binding of bilirubin    eg phenylbutazone  Boronic acid-based protease   inhibitors eg bortezomib  Immunosuppressives   Statin drugs eg simvastatin

               Drug                  Nifedipine  Omeprazole  Statin drugs  Talinolol  Midazolam  Folate  Sildenafil  Sunitinib  Warfarin

                                                                         Herb-Drug Interaction Chart • MediHerb  Product Catalog 2018  135
   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141