Page 146 - 2018 SP Product Guide
P. 146

Herb-Drug Interaction Chart
              At an identical concentration of total polyphenols, black tea was more inhibitory than all the herb
                    Another clinical study also found a dose-dependent effect, and the reduced absorption was most
                      marked when coffee was taken with the meal or one hour later. No decrease in iron absorption
                           Administered in freeze-dried form (4.2 g), which would be expected to have a lower inhibitory
               teas excluding peppermint: black tea was of equal inhibition to peppermint tea. 237  The type of

                 polyphenols present, as well as the concentration, may affect iron absorption.

                        occurred when coffee was consumed one hour before the meal. 355

                               content (ascorbic acid enhances iron absorption). 241   effect than with the use of fresh chili, as freeze drying probably decreased the ascorbic acid  The different results for cayenne and turmeric under the same experimental conditions, suggest  it is not only the quantity of polyphenol present that determines the inhibition, but also for  example, the structure of the polyphenol (and hence mechanism of iron binding). 241 Fructus Schisandra is defined

                                                                                        John’s wort.
              BB.   CC.    DD.    EE.    FF.         GG.              HH.      JJ.   KK.   LL.

                                                    A higher prednisolone/prednisone ratio indicates decreased conversion of prednisolone (active) to
                                                                           interchangeably. For example, the results of a clinical study are described: “polyphenols present in
                                               unknown, and may have been within the normal range). In these studies isotope-labelled cortisol
                                   involve opposing effects on 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (glycyrrhizin inhibiting,
                                                                             tea and coffee inhibited iron absorption in a dose-dependent manner”. The ‘polyphenol’ content
                                                             drugs metabolized by CYP2C9. CYP2C9 is the main enzyme responsible for transforming losartan
                                                                    recent years to lack precision. Polyphenol is the preferred term when considering the properties
                 for 56 days); 196  including where plasma renin levels were high (3.1 ng/mL/h), 196  but in another
                                                                      at a molecular level. Plant polyphenols are broadly divisible into proanthocyanidins (condensed
                                                                               was measured using a spectrophotometric method for the determination of “tannins and other
              No effect on blood pressure in healthy volunteers in two studies (130 mg/day of glycyrrhetinic
                                                                  The word tannin has a long established and extensive usage although it is considered in more
                                                         Several variants of CYP2C9 have been identified in humans: the most important mutations are
                                                                                   content may actually be the content of tannins or tannins + polyphenols. 388  It is recommended
               acid = 227 mg/day of glycyrrhizin, for 14 days; 184  licorice tablets (266 mg/day of glycyrrhizin)
                                                                                 polyphenolics”. 356  Depending on the analytical method used, it is possible that the polyphenol
                                                                          derivatives (hydrolyzable tannins). 387  The terms ‘tannin’ and ‘polyphenol’ are sometimes used
                   study, blood pressure increased in healthy volunteers taking 546 mg/day of glycyrrhizin for 4
                                                           CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3. The CYP2C9*3 variant shows decreased metabolic activity for many
                                     ACE-inhibitor promoting), thus affecting mineralocorticoid receptor activity. Reduction of drug
                                             cortisol while (endogenous) cortisol decreased (although statistical and clinical significance is
                                            plasma (exogenous) cortisone/cortisol ratio decreased, 202  suggesting increased (exogenous)
                                 occasionally hyperkalemia. The mechanism of the interaction is not known, although it may
                                                                        tannins) and polymers of esters based on gallic and/or hexahydroxydiphenic acid and their
                        This is a guide, based on a recommendation from the German Commission E for long-term
                                          Maximum plasma cortisol (exogenous) was not increased in one volunteer; 203  in the other,
                          consumption of licorice as a flavoring. Glycyrrhizin is also known as glycyrrhizinic acid and
                               ACE-inhibitors cause mild natriuresis (an increase in sodium excretion in the urine) and
                                                 was administered, which allowed exogenous and endogenous cortisol to be measured.
                                       dosage revealed the existing hypokalemia caused by this dosage of glycyrrhizin.
                     weeks, only for those with plasma renin activity greater than 1.5 ng/mL/h. 386
                                                                                       herbs, and Tannin-containing or OPC-containing herbs. that both sections of this chart be considered: Polyphenol-containing or Flavonoid-containing  Heme iron is derived from hemoglobin and myoglobin mainly in meat products. Non-heme iron is  derived mainly from cereals, vegetables and fruits.
                            glycyrrhizic acid.        prednisone (inactive).   to its active metabolite.

              T.        U.     V.         W.        X.   Y.       Z.                      AA.

                                                                         Herb-Drug Interaction Chart • MediHerb  Product Catalog 2018  145
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