Page 133 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 133

Purification Program                                                                                  Programs and Kits

                Are your patients hungry for good health?
                Your patients can experience the benefits of helping their bodies cleanse with the Standard Process 21-Day
                purification program. This isn’t just a cleanse diet—it’s a structured program that combines eating whole
                food, drinking nutritious shakes, taking supplements made with whole food ingredients, and light exercise.*
                The menu includes a varied abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits for the first 10 days, with select
                proteins added on day 11. The supplements complement a healthy lifestyle with habits and tools that
                support the body's natural detoxification mechanisms.
                This unique 21-day program is designed to purify, nourish, and help maintain a healthy body weight.*

                Patients who have finished the purification report:

                 Increased    Better     Clearer   Decreased    Improved   Shinier   Better management   Clearer   Better
                  energy     digestion   thinking  caffeine and   weight   hair  of toxin load in    skin  sleep*
                                                food cravings  management          the body

               Build Your Purification Kit
               Choose from a number of different purification kits
               based on your personal preferences. All of our
               purification kits are gluten-free and vegetarian.

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