Page 135 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 135

Key Ingredient Cross-Reference

               Bile Salts                        Camu Camu                        Egg Whole Egg or Egg White
               Cholacol , Fen-Cho , Cholaplex ®  Ferrofood , Cataplex  C, Spanish Black   Cocoa Crisp StandardBar , Peanut Butter
               Biotin                            Radish                           StandardBar , Cocoa Cherry StandardBar ®
               Cellular Vitality                 Carbamide Powder                 Enzymes
               Black Currant Seed Oil            A-C Carbamide , Super-EFF , Ligaplex  II,    Enzycore, Lact-Enz , Multizyme ,    References, Glossary, and FAQs
               Black Currant Seed Oil            Okra Pepsin E 3                  Zymex II, Zypan ®
               Bone Veal                         Carrot Powder  ™                 EpiCor ®
               Calcifood  Powder, Calcifood , Collagen C ,    Copper Liver Chelate , Whole Food Fiber,   Epimune Complex
               Bio-Dent ®                        Cataplex  A, A-F Betafood , OPC Synergy ,   Epithelial PMG  Extract Bovine
                                                 Cataplex  A-C, Zinc Liver Chelate ,            ®
               Bone Marrow                       Cataplex  B, Cataplex  B-GF      Dermatrophin PMG
               Biost , Ostrophin PMG , Cataplex  C,                               Essential Fatty Acids
               Ligaplex  I, Bio-Dent , Calcifood  Powder,   Cayenne Pepper        See Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA)
               Ligaplex  II, Calcifood , Rumaplex , Protefood ®  Cayenne Pepper, SP Cleanse ®  See Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA)
                                                                                  See Omega-3
                                                 Chlorophyll Fat Soluble
               Bone Meal Bovine                                                   Eye PMG  Extract Porcine
               Calcifood  Powder, Calcifood ,    Chlorophyll Complex , Chlorophyll    Oculotrophin PMG , Iplex ®
               Ligaplex  I, Bio-Dent , Ostrophin PMG ,   Complex Ointment ™       Fennel Seed
               Ligaplex  II, Emphaplex , Rumaplex ®  Choline                      Gastro-Fiber , SP Cleanse ®
               Bone PMG  Extract Veal            Choline, Cataplex  G, Cardio-Plus ,
               Ostrophin PMG , Biost , Cataplex  C,   Cardio-Plus  GF, Myo-Plus ®  Fenugreek Seed Powder  ®
                                                                                  Fen-Gre , Fen-Cho , Emphaplex
               Ostarplex , Immuplex , Ligaplex  I,   Chromium
               Ligaplex  II, Vasculin , Iplex , Rumaplex    See GTF Chromium      Fiber
               Brain PMG  Extract Porcine        Coenzyme Q                       Prebiotic Inulin, SP Complete  Dairy Free,
                                                                                  Whole Food Fiber, SP Complete  Chocolate,
               Neurotrophin PMG , Neuroplex ®    Cellular Vitality                SP Complete , SP Complete  Vanilla,
               Bromelain                         Collinsonia Root                 Gastro-Fiber , Soy Almond Crunch
               Cellular Vitality, Multizyme , Zymex  II,   Collinsonia Root, Cholacol , Fen-Cho ®  StandardBar , Berry StandardBar ,
               Enzycore                          Colostrum Bovine                 Cocoa Crisp StandardBar , Cocoa Cherry
               Brussels Sprouts                  Whey Pro Complete                StandardBar , Peanut Butter StandardBar ®
               Cruciferous Complete , SP Green Food ®  Copper                     Fig Powder
               Buckwheat Leaf Juice and Seed     Copper Liver Chelate , Trace     Multizyme , Zymex  II
               Cyruta  Plus, Cyruta , Ginkgo Synergy ,   Minerals-B 12 ™ , Chezyn , Neuroplex ,   Flax Meal
               Arginex , Cataplex  GTF, Cataplex  A-C-P,   Immuplex ®             SP Detox Balance , SP Complete  Dairy Free,
               Iplex , Cholaplex , Cataplex  C   Cordyceps sinensis               SP Complete , SP Complete  Vanilla,
               Buckwheat Leaf Powder             Cellular Vitality                SP Complete  Chocolate
               SP Complete  Dairy Free, SP Complete ,   Cyanocobalamin            Flaxseed Oil
               SP Complete  Vanilla,             See Vitamin B 12                 Linum B , Cataplex  F Perles
               SP Complete  Chocolate            DHA/EPA                          Folic Acid/Folate
               Buckwheat Leaf Powder and Juice   Olprima™ DHA, Olprima™ EPA, Olprima™   Folic Acid B , Immuplex , Cellular Vitality
               E-Z Mg , SP Green Food , OPC Synergy ®  EPA|DHA, Calamari Omega-3 Liquid, Cod   12
               Burdock Root Powder               Liver Oil, Tuna Omega-3 Oil, Tuna   Galactooligosaccharide GOS
               SP Cleanse ®                      Omega-3 Chewable, Linum B 6
                                                                                  Gamma-Linolenic Acid GLA
               Calamari Squid                    Disodium Phosphate               Black Currant Seed Oil
               Calamari Omega-3 Liquid
                                                 Fen-Cho ®                        Garlic
               Calcium                           Dried Yeast Fermentate           Garlic
               Calcium Lactate Powder, Calcifood    EpiCor® (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
               Powder, Cyrofood  Powder, Calcifood ,   Epimune Complex            Ginkgo biloba
               SP Complete , SP Complete Dairy Free,                              Extract: Ginkgo Synergy    ®
               Prebiotic Inulin, Cal-Ma Plus , Calsol ,   Duodenum Porcine  ®  ®  Whole leaf: Ginkgo Synergy
                                                 Pancreatrophin PMG , Cataplex  B,
               Calcium Lactate, Cal-Amo ,        Cataplex  B-GF, Ferrofood , Paraplex ,   Glucoamylase
               Min-Chex , Min-Tran , Bio-Dent ,    Vasculin , Gastrex , e-Poise    Enzycore
               Epimune Complex                                                    Glucosamine Sulfate From shellfish
                                                 Echinacea Root Powder
               Calcium Chloride                  Echinacea-C , Collagen C , Cataplex  A-C,   Glucosamine Synergy ®
               Cal-Amo ®
                                                 Iodomere , Cataplex  C
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