Page 134 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 134

Programs and Kits

            Pea vine

            Key Ingredient Cross-Reference

            The products in this cross-reference are listed in descending order according to the amount of ingredient
            present per unit (perle, capsule, tablet, wafer, etc.). Not all products are represented in this list. Please go to
            the individual product description to see all of the ingredients in a certain product.

            Acerola                           Alfalfa Sprouts                  Barley Grass Juice
            Ferrofood , Echinacea-C , Cataplex  C,    SP Green Food ®          SP Green Food ®
            Spanish Black Radish, Collagen C    Alkaline Ash Minerals          Beet Leaf Juice Dried
            Acid-Forming Chloride Salts       Organically Bound Minerals       E-Z Mg , Betafood , A-F Betafood ®
            Cal-Amo ®                         Almond Flour                     Beet Root
            Acid Maltase                      Zymex  II, Multizyme ®           Whole Food Fiber, Betafood ,
            Enzycore                          Alpha-Galactosidase              A-F Betafood , Enzycore, Copper Liver
            Acidophilus                       Enzycore                         Chelate , Zinc Liver Chelate , Cataplex B,
            See Lactobacillus acidophilus                                      Cataplex B-GF, Chezyn ®
                                              Alpha-Linolenic Acid ALA
            Adrenal Vacuum-Dried Bovine       Linum B , Cataplex  F Perles,    Beta Carotene Blakeslea trispora
            Adrenal Desiccated, e-Poise , Emphaplex ,   Black Currant Seed Oil  Cataplex  A
            Cataplex  C, Cataplex  A-C, Drenamin ®                             Beta Carotene
                                              American Ginseng Root
            Adrenal Cytosol™ Extract Bovine   Cellular Vitality                Chlorophyll Complex ™
            Cataplex  E , Vasculin , Folic Acid B ,                            Betaine Hydrochloride
            Cataplex  B , Cyruta ®            Amino Acids                      Zypan , Betaine Hydrochloride, Cal-Amo ,
                                              Protefood ®
            Adrenal PMG™ Extract Bovine       Ammonium Chloride                Diaplex , Ostarplex ®
            Drenatrophin PMG , Emphaplex ,          ®                          Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12®
            Paraplex , Symplex  F, Symplex  M,   Cal-Amo , Betaine Hydrochloride,    ProSynbiotic
            Drenamin , Allerplex ®            Ostarplex , Zypan                Bifidobacterium longum
            Alanine                           Amylase                          Lact-Enz ®
            Palmettoplex ®                    Enzycore, Lact-Enz ®             Bilberry
                                              Apple Pectin
            Alfalfa Juice Vacuum-Dried                              ®          OPC Synergy ®
            Organically Bound Minerals,       Whole Food Fiber, Gastro-Fiber ,
            Pancreatrophin PMG ®              SP Cleanse

            Alfalfa Powder
            Diaplex , Min-Tran ®
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