Page 138 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 138

References, Glossary, and FAQs

            Rice Bran                        Thiamine                         e-Poise , Cataplex  B, Cataplex  B-GF,
            Whole Food Fiber, Calcifood  Powder,    See Vitamin B 1           Catalyn , Catalyn  GF, Cataplex  G,
            Catalyn  GF, Fen-Gre , Calcifood ,   Thymus Cytosol™ Extract Bovine  Vasculin , Cardio-Plus , Cardio-Plus® GF,
            Protefood , Bio-Dent , Ferrofood ,   Thymex , Congaplex , Immuplex , Albaplex ®  Myo-Plus , Ostarplex , Emphaplex ,
            Emphaplex , Congaplex , Rumaplex ,   Thymus PMG™ Extract Bovine   A-F Betafood , Cellular Vitality, Iplex ,
            Trace Minerals-B , Senaplex , e-Poise ,                           Drenamin , Gastrex
                        12                   Thymus PMG , Immuplex ®
            Cataplex  C, Cyrofood , Congaplex
            Chewable, Drenamin , Cataplex  A-C,    Thyroid PMG™ Extract Bovine  Vitamin B 12
                                                                              Cataplex  B , Folic Acid B ,
            Cataplex  A-C-P, Allerplex , Albaplex , Iplex ®  Thytrophin PMG , Paraplex , Symplex  F,    12  ™ , Manganese B  ™ ,
                                             Symplex  M                       Trace Minerals-B 12     12
            Rice Protein                                                      For-Til B 12 ® , Ligaplex  I, Ferrofood ,
            SP Complete  Dairy Free, SP Complete    Tillandsia and Beet Root    Immuplex , Ligaplex  II, Senaplex , e-Poise ,
                                             Enzymatically Processed
            Chocolate, SP Complete  Vanilla, Peanut   ®   ®           ®       Cellular Vitality
            Butter StandardBar , Cocoa Crisp   Renafood , Zymex  Capsules, Zymex  Wafers  Vitamin C
            StandardBar , SP Complete ®      Tillandsia and Beet Root Extract   Collagen C , Ferrofood , Immuplex ,
                                             Enzymatically Processed
            Rose Hip Powder                  Arginex , Diaplex , Rumaplex , Albaplex ®  Epimune Complex, Manganese B 12 ™ ,
            Echinacea C , Collagen C ™                                        Cardio-Plus , Cardio-Plus  GF,
                                             Tillandsia Chlorophyll Extract
            Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii  e-Poise , Okra Pepsin E  Myo-Plus , Cataplex  G, A-C Carbamide ,
            ProSynbiotic                                      3               Albaplex , Cataplex  C, Cataplex  A-C,
                                             Tillandsia Powder                Cataplex  A-C-P, e-Poise , Echinacea-C ,
            Saw Palmetto Berry                      ® , Prost-X , Neuroplex ®    ®        ®        ®     ®
                                             For-Til B 12                     Iplex , Drenamin , Congaplex , Gastrex ,
            Extract: Palmettoplex                                             Renafood ®
            Powder: Palmettoplex ®           Turkey Tail Mushroom Powder
                                             Coriolus versicolor              Vitamin D
            Selenium                         Epimune Complex                  Cataplex  D, e-Poise , Catalyn ,
            Cataplex  E, Cataplex  E , Immuplex ,    Uterus PMG™ Extract Bovine  Catalyn  GF, Cyro-Yeast , Senaplex ,
            Cardio-Plus , Cardio-Plus  GF, Myo-Plus ®  Utrophin PMG ®         Emphaplex , Tuna Omega-3 Chewable,
            Sesame Seed Oil                  Vitamin A                        Cod Liver Oil
            Sesame Seed Oil                  Livaplex , General Health Daily   Vitamin E
            Soy Protein                      Fundamentals, Arginex , Renafood ,   Wheat Germ Oil Fortified , E-Manganese ,
            Soy Almond Crunch StandardBar ,   A-F Betafood , Cataplex  A-C, e-Poise ,   Tuna Omega-3 Chewable, Immuplex ,

            Betacol , Emphaplex , Senaplex ,   Cod Liver Oil, Emphaplex , Diaplex ,   Cataplex  E, Cataplex  E 2
            Allerplex , Niacinamide B , Cholaplex ,   A-C Carbamide , Albaplex , Cataplex  D,
                              6                                               Vitamin K Naturally Occurring
            Rumaplex , Min-Chex , Ostarplex , Orchex ,   Cataplex  GTF, Bone Health    Cruciferous Complete ™
            Livaplex , Circuplex , Albaplex , Diaplex    Daily Fundamentals, Immuplex ,
            Spanish Black Radish             Cataplex  A-C-P, Catalyn , Catalyn    Wheat Germ Oil           ™
                                                                              Wheat Germ Oil, Wheat Germ Oil Fortified
            Spanish Black Radish             Chewable, Catalyn  GF, Cyro-Yeast ,
                                             Congaplex , Congaplex  Chewable,   Whey Protein Concentrate
            Spleen Vacuum-Dried Bovine and Ovine  Ligaplex  II, Iplex , Rumaplex , Senaplex ,   SP Complete , Whey Pro Complete,
            Spleen Desiccated, Immuplex ,    Allerplex , Ligaplex  I, Cyrofood® Powder  Berry StandardBar , Cocoa Cherry
            Neuroplex , e-Poise ®                                             StandardBar , Peanut Butter StandardBar ,
                                             Vitamin B 1
            Spleen PMG  Extract Bovine       Cataplex  B, Cataplex  B-GF, Neuroplex ,   Cocoa Crisp StandardBar , Zymex  Wafers
            Spleen PMG , Immuplex , e-Poise ®  Vasculin , Cellular Vitality, Catalyn ,   Whey Protein Isolate
            St. John’s Wort                  Catalyn  GF, e-Poise ®           Whey Pro Complete
            Extract: St. John’s Wort-IMT     Vitamin B                        Yakriton
            Powder: St. John’s Wort-IMT ™    Cataplex  G, Cardio-Plus , Cardio-Plus  GF,   Allerplex , Antronex , Livaplex ®
            Stinging Nettle Root Extract     Myo-Plus , Neuroplex , Drenamin ,   Zinc
            Palmettoplex ®                   Cholaplex , Iplex , Emphaplex , e-Poise ,   Chezyn , Zinc Liver Chelate , Neuroplex ,
                                             Ostarplex , Cellular Vitality, Catalyn ,
            Stomach Parenchyma Porcine            ®                           Livaplex , Epimune Complex, Immuplex ,
            Folic Acid B , Cataplex  B , Gastrex ,   Catalyn  GF              Trace Minerals-B 12 ™ , Manganese B 12 ™ ,
            Ferrofood ®                      Vitamin B 6                      Palmettoplex , Zinc Test ™
            Sweet Potato                     B -Niacinamide, Niacinamide B ,
            Copper Liver Chelate , Zinc Liver Chelate ,   Min-Chex , Orchex , Circuplex , Cholaplex ,
            Cataplex  B, Cataplex  B-GF, Ligaplex  II,   Neuroplex , Betacol , Cataplex  F
            Ligaplex  I, SP Cleanse ®        Perles, Linum B 6 , Albaplex , Immuplex ,
                                             Cataplex  F Tablets, Livaplex , Senaplex ,
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