Page 142 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 142

Glossary               Grown on Standard Process
       References, Glossary, and FAQs
                                   certified organic farm
            Manganese glycerophosphate—A source of manganese,    Prolamine iodine—Iodine bound to any of a various group of
               an essential trace mineral important for skeletal and cartilage   simple proteins found in seeds. Standard Process uses corn
               formation.                                        protein (zein).
            Manganese lactate—A manganese salt derived from lactic acid   Protease—An enzyme that breaks down protein into amino acids.
               that is a source of manganese. Manganese acts as a cofactor   Acts throughout the digestive system.
               and catalyst in many enzymatic processes.      Protomorphogen  extract—In the 1940s, Dr. Royal Lee
            Manioc—A perennial shrub plant that has large, fleshy rootstocks.   pioneered a unique method of deriving extracts that contain
            Micronutrients—Essential nutritional elements required in very   what he called cell determinants from specific organs
               small or trace amounts for the body to function properly.   and glands for clinical use. He believed that these cell
               Examples include iron, copper, manganese, and zinc.   determinants functioned in cell regulation, maintenance, and
                                                                 interaction with tissue antibodies. It is clear both from the
            Milk thistle (Silybum marianum)—An annual or biannual plant of   description of the extraction process and clinical use that
               the Asteraceae family.                            these extracts differ from what is commonly referred to as
            Mixed tocopherols—The antioxidant component of the vitamin   “glandulars.” Furthermore, because these extracts have a
               E complex.                                        distinct clinical application and effect, they should not be
            Montmorillonite—A clay forming the principal constituent    confused with glandulars, nor should they be referred to  ™
               of bentonite.                                     simply as “protomorphogens.” Rather, "Protomorphogen " is
                                                                 the trademark used by Standard Process Inc. as a brand name
            Nutritional yeast—Inactive yeast with high protein and   assigned to these uniquely derived extracts. "PMG " is another
               B-vitamin content.                                trademark used by Standard Process Inc. as another brand
            Oats—A hardy cereal grain, common oats are known scientifically   name for these extracts.
               as Avena sativa.                               Pygeum (Pygeum africanum)—An evergreen tree found in higher
            Okra—A plant from the mallow family that is used for its   elevations of southern Africa.
               mucilaginous green pods.                       Pyridoxine hydrochloride—One form of vitamin B .
            Ovine—Sheep.                                      Red clover flower (Trifolium pretense)—A perennial herb, the
            Pancreatin—A mixture of enzymes, chiefly amylase, lipase,    flower of the red clover is a source of many nutrients.
               and protease, obtained from the pancreas. Used to digest   Resveratrol—A type of phytochemical with antioxidant activity
               food or aid in digestion. The Standard Process ingredient    found in the skin of grapes and red wine.
               is derived from pork.
                                                              Rhizopus oryzae—A mold grown on Tillandsia usneoides and beet
            Pantothenic acid (B )—A vitamin that is part of coenzyme A and   root as a source of enzymes.
               participates in protein-altering actions that affect cell activity,
               signaling, replication, and gene expression.   Riboflavin—One form of vitamin B .
            Papain—An enzyme derived from the papaya family that has   Riboflavin 5'-phosphate—One form of vitamin B . 2
               protein-digesting properties.                  Ribonucleic acid—Nucleic acid occurring in cell cytoplasm and
            Pareve/parve—A classification under Jewish dietary law meaning   the nucleolus, first isolated in plants but later found in animal
               the product has been processed so extensively that it can be   cells.
               considered to have been prepared without meat, milk, or other   Saccharomyces cerevisiae—Beneficial yeast that produce lactic
               derivatives.                                      acid as a byproduct of metabolism. Helps support a healthy GI
            Parsley—A nutritious green herb that belongs to the    system.
               Apiaceae, or Umbelliferae, family. Its scientific name is   Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii—A yeast isolated
               Petroselinum crispum.                             from fruit skins. Historically, this microbe was used by
            Pea vine—An annual leguminous vine.                  indigenous people in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam to support
                                                                 normal stool consistency. In the gut, this yeast supports
            Pea vine juice—The extracted juice from the pea vine.  the growth of some bacteria and inhibits others through
            Pepsin—Main gastric enzyme specific for proteins. Used as a   competition and environmental modification of the gut.
               digestive aid. The Standard Process ingredient is derived from   Selenium yeast—A rich source of selenium. Selenium is an
               pork.                                             essential trace element that has antioxidant activity mediated
            Peptidase—An enzyme that breaks down protein. Can work   through its role in the formation and function of selenium-
               throughout a wide pH and operates synergistically with our   dependent glutathione peroxidases. Also believed to help
               native enzymes to enhance protein digestion.      maintain a healthy heart and joints.
            Phytonutrient—Biologically active nutrients found in plants   Soybean lecithin—A rich source of lecithin, a precursor to
               that give them their color and taste. Also referred to as   choline. A substance that is crucial for proper central nervous
               phytochemicals, they are known to have health-promoting   system, liver, cardiovascular, and immune system health. A
               properties.                                       rich source of phospholipids.
            Potassium bicarbonate—A transparent crystalline salt.

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