Page 139 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 139

Beet leaves      References, Glossary, and FAQs
               Glossary                Grown on Standard Process
                                       certified organic farm

               Acerola—The cherrylike fruit of the Malpighiaceae family.   Bentonite (montmorillonite)—A natural colloidal, adsorbing clay
               Acid maltase—An enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates.   that can bind substances present in the lumen of the digestive
                   Breaks off individual glucose molecules from the maltose   tract, allowing these substances to be eliminated with fecal
                   units. In combination with amylase and glucoamylase,    material.
                   these enzymes complete the breakdown of starch and    Beta carotene—The yellow pigment found in many yellow and
                   other carbohydrates.                              orange fruits, such as carrots.
               Acidophilus—See Lactobacillus acidophilus.        Betaine—A sweet, crystalline, quaternary ammonium salt
                                                                     found in beet juice. Can be used as a lipotropic factor or a
               Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)—A perennial flowering legume.
                                                                     gastric acidifier.
               Alginic acid—An organic acid from various algae species.
                                                                 Bifidobacterium lactis (BB-12 )—A research-supported, probiotic
               Allantoin—A crystallizable substance derived from plants. Formed   strain of Bifidobacterium that supports gut health; evaluated
                   by the oxidation of uric acid.                    for its ability to compete with other bacteria to support the
               Alpha-galactosidase—An enzyme that breaks down        natural balance of the gut. Bifidobacteria are found normally
                   carbohydrates. Breaks down the 1,6 linkages in difficult-to-  in the colon, acidify their environment, use a range of
                   digest sugars (melibiose, raffinose, and stachyose), which are   carbohydrates for energy, don’t produce gas, and can make a
                   found in vegetables and legumes.                  variety of water-soluble vitamins.
               American ginseng root—A relative of Korean ginseng with   Bifidobacterium longum—Lactic acid-producing bacteria
                   health-supportive properties.                     that support digestion and enhance nutrient absorption.
                                                                     Bifidobacteria are found normally in the colon, acidify
               Ammonium chloride—A colorless crystal salt used as a systemic   their environment, use a range of carbohydrates for
                                                                     energy, don’t produce gas, and can make a variety of
               Amylase—An enzyme that accelerates the hydrolysis of starch   water-soluble vitamins.
                   and glycogen.
                                                                 Biotin—A member of the B-vitamin family that helps support
               Anise powder—An herb from the carrot family with      energy and amino acid metabolism. Nutritional yeast,
                   aromatic seeds.                                   liver, kidney, whole grains, nuts, and eggs are good sources of
               Antioxidants—Substances found in food, especially fruits    biotin.
                   and vegetables.                               Bovine—Cow.
               Arabic gum—A natural gum from the acacia tree; used as a   Bovine bile salts—A purified source of bovine bile salts in a
                   colloidal stabilizer to make tablets.             powdered form.
               Arrowroot flour—A tuberous root that yields a nutritive starch.  Broccoli—A member of the cabbage family, broccoli is a
               Barley—Barley grass used in our formulas consists of the    cruciferous vegetable.
                   green leaves of the barley plant as opposed to the grain.   Bromelain—Protein-digesting and milk-clotting enzyme generally
               Beet root—The underground portion of a beet plant.    found in pineapple juice and stem tissue.
               Beet leaves—The above-ground portion of a beet plant; also   Brussels sprout—A Brassica related to broccoli and cabbage.
                   known as Swiss chard.

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