Page 138 - 2018 SP Product Guide
P. 138

Recommended Action  Monitor (low level of risk).  Contraindicated.  Monitor (low level of risk).  Monitor (very low level of risk).  Avoid excessive doses of laxatives. Maintain  patients on a high potassium diet.  Monitor (low level of risk at normal doses).  Avoid excessive doses of laxatives. Maintain  patients on a high potassium diet.  Care should be exercised with patients who exhibit long-term use of laxative herbs or  Critical drugs should be taken at different

                    2 diabetics. 167  Clinical significance unclear. No effect on insulin sensitivity or beta-cell function after very high
                                    Theoretical concern based on in vitro studies which show ginseng increases nitric oxide release from corpus
                     doses in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetics or those with impaired glucose tolerance. 168  Korean red ginseng
                  Theoretical concern based on clinically observed hypoglycemic activity of ginseng in newly diagnosed type
                       (2.7 g/day) reduced the requirement for insulin in about 40% of diabetics in a small uncontrolled trial. 169
                         No adverse effects in three trials of type 2 diabetics well controlled with diet and/or oral hypoglycemic
                                 Clinical study with healthy volunteers (extract providing about 45 mg/day of ginsenosides). 175

                                                                                   potassium-losing diuretics.  1 hour, preferably more.  then again, after surgery. effective. In the ideal situation the dose of the drug could be adjusted.  wort and digoxin.  Safety. Churchill Livingstone, USA, 2005.

                                            German Commission E and ESCOP recommendation. 9,178  German Commission E and ESCOP recommendation. 9,178  German Commission E and ESCOP recommendation. 9,178

               Basis of Concern  drugs. 152,170,171  Case reports. 172-174  cavernosum tissue. 176,177 Laxative (anthraquinone-containing) herbs   eg cascara (Frangula purshiana, Rhamnus purshianus), yellow dock (Rumex crispus)

               Potential Interaction  May potentiate hypoglycemic activity of   drug. 44  May cause side effects such as headache,   sleeplessness, tremor.  May decrease drug level.  Potentiation of drug possible.  May affect activity if potassium deficiency  resulting from long-term laxative abuse is   present.  May potentiate activity, if potassium  deficiency resulting from long-term laxative   abuse is present.  May increase potassium depletion.  Herb-Drug Interaction Chart: Gene

                  Hypoglycemic drugs including   MAO inhibitors eg phenelzine  Antiarrhythmic agents  Potassium-depleting agents eg  thiazide diuretics, corticosteroids,  licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)  regular basis.  in elderly patients,  in pregnant women,

               Drug  insulin     Midazolam  Sildenafil  Cardiac glycosides                          –      –      –      –      –

                                                                         Herb-Drug Interaction Chart • MediHerb  Product Catalog 2018  137
   133   134   135   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143