Page 140 - August 2019 SP Product Guide
P. 140

References, Glossary, and FAQs

            Buckwheat—A member of the Polygonaceae family, buckwheat is   enzymes, hormone precursors, and synergistic cofactors
               related to sorrel, knotweed, and rhubarb.         produced by the cell. These materials serve as the building
            Calamari (squid)—A short-lived marine animal that is consumed   blocks for cellular metabolic end products that are utilized by
               as food across the globe.                         the cell itself or transported outside the cell.
            Calcium acid phosphate—Used as a mineral supplement in   Defatted wheat germ—Wheat germ is noted for its dense
               food and feeds.                                   nutritional content of the vitamin B complex and many
                                                                 important trace minerals essential for the full physiological
            Calcium glycerophosphate—A white crystalline powder that is   activity of the associated vitamin complexes.
               soluble in cold water.
                                                              Dextrin—Any one of or a mixture of products formed during the
            Calcium lactate—A source of calcium. (Not derived from a dairy   hydrolysis of starch.
               product or source.)
                                                              Dicalcium phosphate—A calcium compound used in
            Calcium stearate—A plant-based stearic acid used for   calcium therapy.
               lubrication in the manufacture of products.
                                                              Dried yeast fermentate (EpiCor )—A dried product derived
            Camu camu—A low-growing shrub that produces round, light   from fermented Saccharomyces cerevisiae (baker’s or brewer’s
               orange-colored berries.                           yeast), which produces beneficial metabolites containing
            Carbamide powder—A food-grade urea.                  vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants.
            Celery—A member of the Apiaceae or Umbelliferae family it   Echinacea root (coneflower)—A perennial member of the
               comes in a variety of colors, from white to gold, rich red, and   daisy family.
               deep green.                                    Essential fatty acid (EFA)—Also known historically as the
            Cellulose—A substance that makes up the cell walls of plants.  vitamin F complex, it is a nutritional compound that the body
            Chia seeds—Come from the Salvia hispanica plant, a member of   does not make on its own but needs in order to maintain good
               the mint family. They are a source of omega-3 fatty    health. EFAs can only be obtained through the foods we eat—
               acids, fiber, and protein and supply iron, calcium, magnesium,   such as fish or flaxseed. Two types of EFAs are omega-3s and
               and zinc.                                         omega-6s.
            Chlorophyll extract—A fat-soluble extract from plant   Fenugreek—Dried seed from the Fabaceae, or Leguminosae,
               material that acts to support tissue health, maintenance,   family. Plant used in Asian cultures to support health.
               and regeneration. Chlorophyll is regarded as a natural   Ferrous lactate—Iron lactate.
               gastrointestinal (GI) tract deodorant and cleanser.  Fig—An oblong or pear-shaped fruit.
            Choline bitartrate—A vitamin of the B complex essential to liver   Flaxseed oil—Derived from the seeds of the flax plant.
                                                              Folic acid—A member of the B-vitamin family.
            Chromium yeast—An excellent source of chromium.
                                                              Galactooligosaccharide (GOS)—A nondigestible carbohydrate
            Cocarboxylase—A crystalline diphosphoric acid ester of thiamin   used by select probiotic bacteria as food.
               (vitamin B ). Thiamin is essential for the normal metabolism
               of carbohydrates and fats.                     Ginkgo biloba—Made from leaves and seeds of the ginkgo
                                                                 tree, Ginkgo biloba has a long history of use in traditional
            Coenzyme Q  (ubiquinone)—A fat-soluble component that is   Chinese medicine.
               involved in energy production in the body, CoQ  also supplies
               antioxidant activity to bind free radicals. CoQ  is found in all   Glucoamylase—An enzyme that specifically breaks off glucose
               tissue but is especially high in tissues with high metabolic   molecules from starch.
               requirements (e.g., heart, kidney, liver).     Gluten—A group of proteins found in wheat and other grains that
            Collinsonia root—A member of the mint family, also known as a   can cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
               stoneroot or richweed.                         Glycerin—A colorless, syrupy liquid from the hydrolysis of oils and
            Colostrum—The first milk produced by the mammary glands   fats.
               after birth. Bovine colostrum, derived from cows, is rich in   Inositol—A component of the B-vitamin complex. Inositol acts
               peptides, growth factors, and other bioactive substances.  as an important catalyst in energy reactions that involve the
            Copper chelate—Provides an excellent source of copper. Copper   metabolizing of some fats and carbohydrates.
               is an essential trace mineral that is important for a wide   Inulin—A complex carbohydrate and soluble fiber. It is beneficial
               range of biochemical processes.                   to the gut microflora and supports calcium and magnesium
            Cordyceps sinensis—A mushroom with extensive bioactive   absorption. Inulin is found naturally in many common plants,
               compounds used in traditional Chinese medicine.   especially chicory.
            Corn—Corn is known scientifically as Zea mays. Corn is used   Invertase—An enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates,
               for cornmeal, which is made by grinding corn kernels into a   specifically table sugar (sucrose), as well as the sugars found
               coarse powder.                                    in legumes.
            Cyanocobalamin—Also known as vitamin B , a cobalt-  Iron chelate—Provides an excellent source of iron. Iron is
               containing compound.                              an important nutrient essential for a wide range of vital
                                                                 biological processes, including the synthesis of hemoglobin,
            Cytosol  extract—"Cytosol " is the trademark used by Standard   and is also involved in the entire process of respiration,
               Process Inc. as a brand name for extracts derived from   including oxygen and electron transport.
               the cytoplasm of the cell. They contain “materials” such as

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